3 Proven Insights for Finding Strength Through Praise

I know things have been tough lately, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I want to share some encouragement from my wife, Helen, and insights from chapter four of Persevering Power to encourage you to persevere by finding strength through praise.  

1. Finding Strength Through Praise by Remembering God’s Faithfulness 

Sometimes, when life gets hard, we forget all the times God has come through for us. But remembering His past faithfulness can give us hope and strength for today. Think about all the milestones you’ve celebrated – like birthdays, graduations, or even getting through a tough season. Each of these moments is a testament to God’s provision and love. Jesus reminds us to remember, especially through communion: “Do this in remembrance of me.” Reflecting on how God has worked in our lives can fill us with gratitude and help us see that He’s still with us, guiding us every step of the way. 

My sons call my wife the “family historian” because she loves to scrapbook. Gathering photos and memories allows our family to remember together. She shares this and other insights in this short video. 

2. Praise as Your Daily Armor 

Starting your day with praise can transform your entire outlook. When you wake up, try saying, “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” It’s like putting on a protective armor that shields you from negativity and discouragement. I love the idea of a “garment of praise” – something you consciously put on each day to keep your spirit uplifted. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.” Making praise a daily habit keeps our focus on God’s goodness, no matter what challenges we face. 

3. Finding Courage in Adversity 

The story of Esther is such a beautiful reminder of how remembering God’s faithfulness can give us courage. She was scared and unsure, but recalling how God had been there for her people gave her the strength to act. Even when it seems like God is silent, He’s working behind the scenes for our good. When we’re faced with tough situations, looking back at how God has helped us before can give us the bravery to move forward. Celebrating victories, big or small, and recognizing God’s hand in them can inspire us to keep trusting Him, even in the darkest times. 

I love the resilience of clients served by Administer Justice. Every week they walk into a church confused and overwhelmed by life and legal circumstances. We remind them they are not alone. A team encourages them through prayer and practical next steps. Above all we refuse to do justice for them but promise to do justice with them. We will face challenges in community. 

As one client recently remarked, “I appreciated the feeling of actually being heard. I felt important the moment I walked in and until I was literally walked out to my car. I believe from my one meeting, the truth you will never feel alone. I got that feeling and it meant so much.” 

Incorporate More Praise

So, my friend, let’s try to incorporate more praise into our lives. Remember the times God has been faithful, start each day with gratitude, and find courage in the knowledge that He’s always working for your good. You are not alone, and together we can keep our hearts lifted in praise, no matter what comes our way. 

You’ve got this, and God’s got you.