3 Practical Ways to be the Answer to Someone’s Prayer for Justice

What’s stopping you from being the answer to someone’s prayer for justice?

According to a recent report,150 to 250 million new civil justice issues arise every year and 120 million of those issues do not get resolved. As one of the researchers said, “That means that people are losing their livelihoods because of problems with work or Social Security or their pensions, or they’re losing their homes, or they’re not able to take care of their kids. That’s a lot of suffering and a lot of hardship.”

That is a lot of unanswered prayers. But what if it didn’t have to be?

What if YOU are the answer to someone’s prayer?

In 1971 Walt Kelly’s character Pogo famously remarked, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” But what if we wrote a different story? What if we chose to say, “We have met the solution and he is us.”

This isn’t a radical concept. Jesus told a group of average people,” whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these”. John 14:12  Those ordinary young men believed that and changed the course of history. So can you.

What’s stopping you?

Fear, time, uncertainty. All these can prevent us from being the answer to someone’s prayer for justice. But they are distractions designed to lure you away from your true purpose – loving God and loving neighbor. I know.

You can find my story in Gospel Justice or Persevering Power.  I was distracted by success and the demands of a busy law practice. I felt incompetent to address areas outside my expertise. My fear kept me from loving my neighbor and like a priest and a Levite in the story of the Good Samaritan, I was wrong not to stop to serve a vulnerable neighbor in need.

What stopped me? Prayer. Administer Justice exists as an answer to the prayer of my wife Helen. In reluctant obedience I allowed God to answer the prayers of others through me and other volunteers, donors, attorneys, and churches. I quickly learned no one does justice alone and no one should face injustice alone. We need one another.

Get Started!

You were created to do greater things. I don’t mean the famous things that might come to mind but the faithful things in the service of others. What if we believed God cares about justice and he meant it when he told us to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.” Micah 6:8.  We could change the story of millions of Americans crying out for justice. Why can’t you be the answer to their prayer?

Here are some practical steps you can take.

1. Pray

Pray. Join our prayer team every Tuesday morning over Zoom. Join the prayers in the book Persevering Power, sign up for newsletters of groups doing justice, and pray for their work.

2. Participate

Do you have a special skill? Use it in the volunteer service of others. Many ministries equip volunteers to serve. Administer Justice is a leader in training people to do justice and we have multiple opportunities through a Gospel Justice Center or leadership on a national or regional level. You will come alive as you use your gifts to serve others.

3. Pay

Financially support the work of justice. Whether God has provided much or little, everyone can be part of answering the prayers for justice. With more, a gift of $5,000 opens a new location to answer the prayers of neighbors in need. With less, a monthly gift of $30 allows you to identify with a client paying a $30 co-pay to access justice and hope. Allow each month to be a reminder as you pray for the unknown person whose prayer you answered.

Movements Matter

All movements start small. A small group of Christians saw the need for health care and started hospitals. That movement changed the world. A small group of Christians saw the need for education and started schools. That movement changed the world. Today a small group of Christians see the need for justice. A movement is beginning. 98 churches across the country are answering the prayers of vulnerable neighbors every month as they open their doors to provide the help of a lawyer and the hope of God’s love.

Our vision is to see 1,000 Gospel Justice Centers transforming lives in the name of Christ. Join the movement and be the answer to someone’s prayer for justice.