How to Find Encouragement When Life Presses In

Encouragement means to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope. When we find encouragement amid vulnerability, it provides resilience and hope. I don’t know about you, but I need encouragement.

The Challenge of Vulnerability

Can I be honest? I don’t appreciate feeling vulnerable. I’d prefer to be Superman and immune from bullets. But bullets of criticism cut deep. I can feel vulnerable and be easily wounded by others. At the same time, I can feel greatly encouraged by others who say kind words, offer a smile, and extend a helping hand.

Encouragers show me there is a better way. Will I be bitter, or will I be better? Bitterness is rooted in you, spews criticism, and tears others down. Listening to the “better angels of our nature”, (Abraham Lincoln) roots you in others, spreads courage, and builds others up. 

I’ve been bitter and that is a self-ingested poison. I want to be better. How about you? Do you identify with the BOOK TRAILER to Persevering Power? I encourage you to watch the trailer and share it with others.

The Opportunity of Encouragement

Each morning, I take an “Ultra Strength Probiotic”. Why? To boost my natural immune system to ward off attacks. Encouragement is an ultra-strength probiotic for the soul. Taken daily, it strengthens your courage, spirit, and hope amid the attacks that come your way. But how do you grow in encouragement?

The book Persevering Power provides multiple practical ways on how to find encouragement so you can be an encouragement to others. You cannot give what you do not have, and people need encouragement.  Some practical ways include being grateful, reading the Bible, praying, surrounding yourself with good music, and friends, and giving your time, talent, and treasure to help others.  Fill yourself with encouraging words by listening to our Podcast, Restore Justice, available on Spotify and Apple iTunes. Read Persevering Power or listen to it on Audible. Pray for Administer Justice and consider volunteering with them as a way of being encouraged and encouraging others.

The Golden Rule of Encouragement

Are you familiar with the so-called golden rule? Golden because it is universally valued, it is a core teaching of Jesus. “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Mt. 7:12. 

I hope you know Jesus. Lasting encouragement is found in a personal relationship with him. But even if you disagree, his wisdom is true. If you want to experience encouragement, be an encourager. Start today.

Encourage your spouse, sibling, child, or grandchild by text, email, word, or call.  Be careful. If they aren’t used to this, they may be concerned you just received a fatal health diagnosis. But don’t allow some tragedy like that to be the impetus for change. Decide today to be an encourager.

Move beyond your family. Start posting words of encouragement instead of perpetual criticism on Facebook, Linked IN, or other social platforms. Stop focusing on yourself and your news and share the news of others, comment on their news with words of encouragement.

Encouragement is a muscle that when exercised becomes stronger over time. As you encourage others, you will receive encouragement.

Why Encourage Others?

Paul told some people in Thessalonica to “encourage one another and build each other up” 1 Thess. 5:11. He knew life was hard under Roman oppression. So, what tool did he share with them? Encouragement. He told them to rejoice, pray, and give thanks in all circumstances for that was God’s will for them rooted in encouragement from one another I Thess. 5:16-18. 

Life is hard and you are not created to go it alone. You can give yourself all the pep talks you want for self-encouragement but it will never equal the encouragement received from others and given to others. Resolve today to be more encouraging. As the writer of Hebrews encourages us:

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:24-25