
Know Your Purpose: Three Quick Ideas on Direction, Work, and Your Unique Calling

Know Your Purpose: 3 Quick Ideas on Direction, Work, and Your Unique Calling 

Hey friend, grab your coffee, and let’s talk about something that’s been on my heart lately—discovering your purpose. It’s something we all wrestle with at some point, and I want to share three insights that might help you on this journey to know your purpose. 1. You Are Crafted for a Unique Purpose  Think about

Know Your Purpose: 3 Quick Ideas on Direction, Work, and Your Unique Calling  Read More »

Finding Strength in Adversity

Finding Strength in Adversity: 2 Voices on Perspective and Persevering Power 

Do you need encouragement? I do. Life can be hard. You think everything is going as planned and then something unexpected happens. How we face the unexpected defines who we are. It demonstrates our true perspective. Will we allow the circumstance to make us better or bitter? Perspective helps me in finding strength in adversity.

Finding Strength in Adversity: 2 Voices on Perspective and Persevering Power  Read More »

Giving is better than receiving.

Do You Want to Discover the Surprising Breakthrough Giving Makes?

This might surprise you but there is scientific evidence proving it is better to give than to receive. Here are five reasons why giving can lead to breakthrough. When you give, your brain releases chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin.  Those are powerful stress-relieving, happiness-producing chemicals. A study on the neurobiology of giving versus

Do You Want to Discover the Surprising Breakthrough Giving Makes? Read More »